Category: On Business

  • Growth


    I’m about to start a new project and thinking about the kind of people I want to have on my team. Growth is the agenda. Growth has the be the mindset. Here is what I think is important: A ‘done is better than perfect’ attitude An aggressive and competitive mentality Voracious learners Resilient to failure…

  • Letting Go

    Letting Go

    A small article published in the Herald recently on working on the business rather than in it.  Click here.

  • Change


    “It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change.” – Charles Darwin, 1809 Today, we live in a world of exponential change. Another great, Albert Einstein, once said that we can’t solve our problems of today with the thinking of yesterday. If we…

  • Resilience

    “The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but in rising each time we fall” – Nelson Mandela

  • General Colin Powells Rules oF Engagement

    Love this! General Colin Powell’s Rules of Engagement: 1. It ain’t as bad as you think. It will look better in the morning 2. Get mad, then get over it 3. Avoid having your ego so close to your position that when your position falls, your ego goes with it 4. It can be done!…

  • The Importance of Accountability

    In my business it is a continuous struggle to balance goals with accountability. As the company grows, I have found it is easier juts to keep things simple short and measured.Even one KPI per person per month, is better than 10 KPI’s where the person is not held to account for their performance. I am…

  • Currency and OCR update New Zealand

    The NZD has continues lower and starts the shortened week trading near its recent lows against the USD. Levels are above 70 cents which had not been seen since June last year proved short lived as the NZD spent the remainder of the week on the back foot as the appeal for the commodity currencies…

  • On Success

    Winston Churchill famously said, “Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.” While he may have been speaking of courage during wartime, he actually nailed it for the journey of life. Our youthful notions of “success” often give way to the realization that nothing outside us is…

  • On what keeps me motivated

    Having built my business Pumpt, from startup in 2003 to its current position 13 years later it has had me questioning my motivations many times. The biggest question has been for me, as an entrepreneur: is having a business that is 13 years old a bit of an oxymoron? Am I being lazy? Is it…

  • Values

    Quote for the day “Its not hard to make decisions when you know what your values are” ROY DISNEY